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Home: Welcome


From a young age, I’ve always been an active and innovative girl, who always came out with new ideas and opinions. I was bothered by choosing Arts or Science as my future path. Then I found out that art is a great way to realize my dream, and computer science is a great skill to have. I enjoyed learning about art and science, so I chose Computer Science as my major, Statistics and Theater Arts as my minor. I studied in the United States for 5 years and spent my study at Rutgers and Tufts University. Currently, I am working as a research fellow at Cornell University. 

Home: About Me


Background & Expertise

RESEARCH FELLOW at Cornell University

Jan 2022-current

- Conducting applied research on social clinical/behavioral science and used computer science skillsets to improve patients’ experience and health outcomes.
- Building innovative patient-centered frameworks and prototypes to create a better patient-friendly environment.
- Assisting with qualitative analysis table creation and coding to manage and analyze the patients’ data.

DATA SCIENTIST at KevaHealth Inc

May 2021 - Jan 2022

- Contribute to the development of the proprietary engine for remote patient monitoring of patients with respiratory illnesses.

- The work led to the development of Kevatalk app that helps patients to manage their chronic disease.

- Lead the application for phase 1 SBIR grant in digital health AI-based remote monitoring and MassTech AI grant and secured grant funding

- Organize and create a 50-page research report for the validation study at the large medical center in Massachusett

PART-TIME LECTURER at Tufts University

Aug 2019 - Jan 2022

- Counseling students in the practical hands-on computer sessions (Introduction to Computers and Their Application 01:198:110, Data 101, Introduction to Machine Learning and Deep Neural Network)

- Teaching, consulting on programming problems, and scheduling of two lab support hours and one office hour per week during the each term.


May 2020 - Sep 2020

- Assistant editor for the first edition of Journal of Big Data: Theory and Practice (JBDTP). 

- Performed functions related to hosting and managing the journal management platform (using Scholarly Exchange

- Created, wrote, and post social media and website content 

Home: Experience


What I’ve Learned


September 2017 - June 2020

Bachelor of Arts

Major: Computer Science
Minor: Theater Arts & Statistics

Tufts University

September 2020 - January 2022

Master of Science

Major: Computer Science

Area of focus: Human-Computer Interaction, Data Visualization, Health Intelligence.

Home: Skills
Unprofessional BIO

Yuexing Hao is an art scientist, computer science researcher, singer, designer, bad programmer, pianist, teaching assistant, former data scientist, blog writer, life photographer, academic paper writer, travel expert, public speaking lover, food (especially seafood) lover, bad cooker, eager but slow learner, vegetable lover, attention seeker, outgoing but bad-at-test student, question solver, unprofessional table tennis player, swimmer, bad Cantonese speaker, zoom fan, vlog lover, fashion lover, good talker and bad listener, crazy daughter, roller coaster lover, mathematics hater, Costco fan, and founder for Pallia Care and JH.

Fun facts about me:

My luckiest number is 5, and my second luckiest number is 2. I think 5 means sunshine, yellow, and happy; and 2 means pink, soft, and feminine. I hate number 4, so I never have anything that is 4. (That's why I hate multiple-choice questions which only has 4 options)

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518 E State St, Ithaca, NY

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